It was exactly 1 year ago today when I last wrote here on my blog. I was in Fredericksburg, VA. I would soon fly to Los Angeles and then back to Asia for one final stretch of full-time service in that great and grand country.
This time last year, I had just completed my 12th year of living in Asia, but my passion for the country and people had persisted for over 20 years.
This time 18 months ago, I was content and even excited about living in Asia for the remainder of my professional career. My life was in Asia. My expertise and passion had been tied up in this wonderful section of the world I had already called home for most of my professional life. I had friends who felt more like family. My job was my passion. I loved being a part of a land and a people who were changing as a society in front of my very eyes.
Now I am here in Los Angeles. As always seems to be the case in my life, [Read more…]