Table of Contents for this series on singleness:
(Explanation and overview of this series follows this list of contents)
- Three perspectives on singleness (what has kept me sane)
- Heartbreak, singleness, and the goodness of God. . .
- Times when I hate being single!
- An open letter to a female friend. . . struggles in dating Christian and non-Christian men
- The blessings and joy of singleness
- A theology of singleness
- The role of infused beauty in my life (“softening” a single dude)
- 4 “big picture” principles on living the single life well
- Singleness, “becoming the right person”, and personal development
- 5 “best practices” of singleness (your input desired)
- An awkward conversation about singleness (and 2 thoughts)
- The pain and JOY of singleness at Christmas
- The fallacy of “singles ministry” & the beauty of Biblical obedience
- My radio interviews on men and singleness
Recently, Ruthie Dean asked me to write an article for her blog on the subject of singleness. I was honored, as her blog is exceptional. Additionally, it is a subject I have thought about often. This is probably obvious from the simple truth that I AM single and have been for quite a while. As a result, I had been meaning to write on the subject of singleness since I started this blog 9 months ago. However, it took Ruthie’s request to write for her blog to finally get me started.
So, what began as an article for Ruthie Dean and now evolved into an entire, ongoing series on singleness. I don’t proclaim to be an expert on the subject, just a guy who has had a LOT of practice at being single.
I know that many people who read my blog are married. Actually, most people who read this blog are married. If that is the case, I hope marrieds can benefit from this series in three ways.
- Life and laughter – I hope that whether you are single or married, much of what I talk about will be equally applicable. To say it will be about singleness is a bit of a misnomer. This series will be about life. Given that I am an old bachelor, my angle will be from that of the vantage point of singleness. Also, I hope that some of it will be funny for all of us, if nothing else, humorously awkward.
- Understanding and ministry – Singles are increasing in number around the world. Did you know that for the first time in America history there are more single adults than marrieds? People are getting married older than ever in America. Divorce is a norm in society. Never marrieds are also increasing. Your churches, neighborhoods, places of work, and even your families will be increasingly populated with single adults. Hopefully reading this series will help you understand and relate to this growing population.
- Your future family – If you don’t already, you most likely will have children one day. Eventually, they will be single, at one time or another, in their adult lives. Hopefully, this series will be helpful for you in this way.