As I type this, I am sitting on the back deck of my apartment in Asia. There is a subway track in front, along with the panoramic view of sky scrapers of which most are still under construction. It is quiet right now, as life in this crowded mega-city is readying for bed. Other than the sound of a TV coming from an apartment of a near deaf person a floor or so below me and the hum of the occasional construction truck winding down the streets 10 floors below, it is quiet. . . it is peaceful. . . however, it is lonely.

I have been thinking about loneliness a good bit today. Partially because I heard a tremendous sermon on it by my friend Rankin Wilbourne this afternoon (click here to listen). . . partially because I am, in fact, struggling with loneliness right now. It comes and goes often with me living in an apartment by myself here in Asia.
It can come with the sight of something that reminds me of a niece or a nephew or when something funny happens that I know a good friend in the States would appreciate. It can come from a picture over Facebook reminding me that lives are moving on without me in relationships I used to hold dear.
Loneliness can come with an email informing me that I have missed yet another family event or wedding or friend gathering. Today it came from just hearing