Since June is all about weddings AND people rarely hear perspective on weddings from single men, I thought it would be fun to write a series on weddings.
I have been blessed to have been to 2,395,103,984 weddings over the years. Also, I’ve been in the wedding party for many wonderful friends and family members. I have seen and learned much from these experiences. So, in this series of blog posts, I have written thoughts and stories along these lines.
I wrote most of this series last summer. However, many people are now reading my blog who were not back then. Therefore, I thought it would be fun to re-introduce it.
This past weekend, I attended yet another wonderful wedding here in Asia. It was incredible seeing one of my best local friends celebrate God’s provision of a spouse for her. It was a time of rich worship, strong fellowship with the others in attendance, and the usual pageantry and comedy which comes from wedding ceremonies. I will write a post on this past wedding within the next week or two.
Here are the posts and articles I have written on weddings. . .