This article is a continuation of the one I posted last week, “Fear only talks to those who listen”. If you have not read that one, please CLICK HERE.
Recently, I was talking with a close local Asian Christian brother. He lives in a different city than I do, yet we see each other fairly often. We met for coffee and to talk about life and work.
My friend is a man of courage and integrity. He is a great father and husband. He is intelligent and a graduate of one of the best universities in this country. He is a man who is doing amazing work in serving and helping many people through the love and message of the Gospel of Christ Jesus.
My friend’s impact is far and wide. I’m not speaking in hyperbole here; he really is a man of incredible integrity and impact on a very large scale.
My friend, though, is very discouraged. There was actually no need to share this with me, as I could see it in his eyes as we interacted in a meeting of peers earlier in the week.
As a result of several stresses converging upon him at the same time, discouragement has set upon him like a lead x-ray vest (yes, I have been injured far too many times if this is the word picture that comes to mind!). This discouragement has caused him to doubt himself, his calling, and some of the great works he has started which are legitimately helping many people in many ways.
As I was thinking about fear last week (click here for the article), this conversation has me thinking about discouragement in much the same way. As is the case with fear, discouragement grips us all from time to time. Though I feel empathy for my friend who is currently stuck in this season of discouragement, this is not what concerned me most about our conversation.
I am most concerned that my friend is now allowing his discouragement [Read more…]