As I stated in my last post, I have spent a significant part of my life on LONG, international flights (please CLICK HERE if you have not read it. . . definitely read the comments by Scott Stephenson and Tim Waddell at the end). These flights tend to be physically demanding and life shortening, but at least we have them as opposed to boats as they had in the old days.

Additionally, many of my friends will be traveling from America to Asia in the coming weeks, so I hope this will be helpful.
I’m sure one day we will find an alternative means of long-distance travel, but for now we are stuck with massive, over-crowed planes. Until an alternative to plane travel is created. . .
Here are 10 of my suggestions for surviving LONG, international flights. I’ll start off with a tip based on the end of my previous post.
- Wear shoes that can easily slip on and off – See my previous post for the reason why. This is essential. On a related note, ALWAYS WEAR SHOES TO THE BATHROOM! If you have not, you really need to read this post. . .
- Drink water often – I try to get up and ask the flight attendants for water every 1-2 hours. You get massively dehydrated on flights of 8+ hours, even when you don’t realize it. This will lead to [Read more…]