Ugh! I don’t start every day by getting on Facebook, but I did today. Mistake. Yet again, my feed was filled with angst, political rants, and wildly judgmental accusations against anyone and everyone. Unfortunately, this is my normal Facebook experience these days. This has me thinking. . .
As you may know, I lived in Asia from 1999-2014. One of the unexpected gifts of being an American living abroad is that it gives you a bit of an outsiders view your own country.
Also, one of the joys of being a missionary is being able to learn new cultures, values and ways of thinking. Cultural mores such as honoring family, an appreciate of history, and a love of spicy food are just a few of the values I feel the people of my host country passed onto me during this decade and a half. I attempt to bring these and other values I learned into my own life as a result of seeing the beauty of them in China.
On the flip side, living in Asia helped me to appreciate my own home country even more than I did before getting on a plane and setting up shop in the Far East. Home [Read more…]