Last December, I was sitting in a meeting when I received this message from a friend. . .
Please pray for our church. Some awful stuff has come out about our pastor. It is really upsetting. Pray for him. Pray for our church. Very confusing.
At the break, I checked the internet only to read of adultery and other moral failures. He had left the church and was unrepentant for his actions. My heart broke. Today, I read that it is not only this pastor, but two others from the same city (Orlando, Florida). My heart breaks.
My heart breaks for the many people that follow these men. My heart breaks for their families, their children, their wives. My heart breaks because this is yet another example of churches whom will be marred in internal conflict, while the world around them is in need of the Savior they worship. My heart breaks.
My heart ALSO breaks for these three men.
I am privileged to know and be friends with many wonderful Christian leaders; pastors and organizational leaders of all types. Unfortunately, I have received a call on several occasions [Read more…]