I’ll be honest; I’ve been abnormally stressed these past few weeks. Not proud of this, but it is true.
Work has been beyond busy and I am still getting used to my new life in Los Angeles (and in not living in Asia). Also, there have been several people close to me struggling in profound ways, so I have been carrying their burdens along with them.
The accumulation of all of this “stuff” had left me tired, haggard, emotionally depleted, and a bit discouraged.
I brought all of this to a local coffee house this morning. I opened the Bible, read 2 Corinthians 4 (specifically 2 Cor. 4:16-18), and meditated.
So we do not lose heart. . . For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal.
Just like that, I was reminded of the beautiful reality that this life is not it, but rather a mere precursor to the world I was TRULY created for. . . eternity. Even the worst of troubles I experience (which this week does not fall into), are but temporary. This is wonderful news!
Though the pressure of the past few weeks is still present, a release value seemed to open up just a bit. I am in a better place now. Not “over it” by any means, but a little more secure in the reality that God is with me, in control, and everything will be good in the end.
I know this reality in my head. I really do. However, I need reminders of this often. Actually, I need to be reminded of this every day. My memory is short, my mind can lack discipline, and my heart is often fleeting.
This is just one example of why I have found that I NEED to read and meditate upon the Bible often, if not daily. As I think about this “discipline” of consistent Bible reading, several things come to mind as to why this is vital to me in my daily life.
There are many “hard reasons” why I should make the Bible a part of my daily routine, including things like its historicity, salvific nature, and sanctifying elements. However, the following are some of the “soft reasons” why I see reading the Bible needs to be an on-going, consistent part of my life.
Through reading the Bible, I receive truth in the midst of the “murkiness” of life
For the most part, we are not confronted with direct “evil” choices on a daily basis. Affairs happen, people abuse kids, rage can take people over, yet for most of us, this type of explosive sin is not a part of our daily experience.
However, compromise in the areas of “personal sin” and overall directionless living is a constant temptation. Whether it is in the areas of greed or lust OR in simply turning a blind eye to a co-worker during a time of need, I am daily tempted to live life in ways which are not honoring to God. In not honoring God, I am essentially selling short my own joy and hope in life.
I need the Bible to daily pull me out of the “murkiness” of life in living for my own selfish desires and nudge me towards the light of the Gospel of Christ. Only in the clarity of the Bible do I find ultimate meaning and joy in the daily “grind of life”.
Relational aspect of our faith
It’s been said many times, but I STILL need to remember and embrace this reality often. Christianity is a relationship with a personal God. It is not a religion to be adhered to. The Bible really is God’s written communication to us. We fellowship with Him through this written “love letter” to us, His beloved children.
When I neglect a regular, consistent, rich lifestyle of digging into the Bible, I really do hurt myself. Christ is still there. He still loves and accepts me infinitely. However, I am shortchanging myself. Life is rich and full ONLY when I am enjoying a consistent lifestyle of reading and meditating upon the Bible.
The Bible moves us towards Godliness and away from the barrage of materialism, greed, self-centeredness, and lust we have around us
This world is saturated with materialism, greed, self-centeredness, and lust. Everywhere I look, advertisements are telling me that my life will be better with this car, that computer, and even this type of beer. Television shows and movies convince me that if I just had a certain type of wife, house, and/or income, then I would finally arrive at the ever evasive location of “contentment” in life.
On a more personal level, we are engulfed by a culture with rampant lust and misplaced sexual activity. The result of this is everything from pornography addiction to eating disorders; from a utilitarian view of others to deeply seated personal insecurity.
With all of these views, voices, and images waging war on my mind and thoughts on a daily basis, I MUST have a daily, rich influx of the purity of God’s word, as delivered in the Bible.
Simply stated, I am not strong enough as an individual to withstand the barrage of materialism, greed, and lust which attacks my heart daily without the input and influence of God’s eternal Word in my life on a consistent basis.
However, in spending time in the Bible daily, I am reminded and empowered to embrace the reality of 1 John 4:4. . .
Little children, you are from God and have overcome them, for he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.
Side note: I posted this for our church website this week in anticipation of a workshop we are hosting (and I am leading) next week: “How to Study the Bible”. If you are in Los Angeles and would like to come, please CLICK HERE for more information.
Carmen says
Thanks for writing about this topic. Oddly enough, I have been going through the same spiritual issue of not disiciplining myself in bible reading for some time. I recently started reading the bible on a daily basis (few days ago) and not doing devos. (as I used devos. as a substitute for reading the bible). I wanted to cultivate the habit of reading God’s word first. Since I decided to put Him first in my life I also have to read His word in order to know where He wants me to go and what to do. Now that I look back (only after a few days) to reflect…I see that my reason for not doing my bible reading was out of the lack of motivation and laziness. It was that simple and I did not know also that Satan was able to get a hold of me that way. Thanks to God He is gracious and patience with me – that I was able to find myself out of this “dry and parched land”…
John Gunter says
Wow, isn’t it amazing how simple, yet profound all of this is, Carmen? We believe the lie that there are other activities/habits/distractions which are more worth our time. It is never the case, yet I so often forget and settle back into bad places.
Great hearing from you on this!
Sindy Ho says
You’re back to blogging! Thanks for sharing and being so transparent, I know a lot of us can relate. Sometimes my brain is so full I can’t even focus on the Bible so I have to stop for a minute and calm it down. Worship!! It’s the best. Here’s one of my favorite albums: https://youtu.be/un6HKDXqC4U?list=PLoR758jaDqqe74jPerKtA3j5LdK2-kXDu
Thank you for being a shepherd, I know you are being salt and light in so many lives. He’s got you, He’s got this!
PS my friend is overseas as a missionary and recently got invaded by a bunch of bats. She re-read your post about bats and as always, it was great. 🙂
Praying for you blog-buddy!
John Gunter says
Sindy, great hearing from you and thanks for the link. Hilarious about your friend and glad I could be of some service. I see you are now engaged; congratulations!
Stephanie DeLong says
Hey John. Just emailed the link for your workshop to my two close friends who live in LA-downtown somewhere-in case they can attend. Hope it goes well-am sure it will. You are totally right about the importance of reading Scripture. I don’t do a great job of it…rely on the relational, conversational talking to Christ part a lot and don’t listen back from the Word as I should. Then, I wonder why I sometimes don’t see the changes in myself/character that I want to be seeing….Stephanie
John Gunter says
Stephanie, thanks for letting your friend know. Did they attend? The discipline aspect of reading the Bible is tough and definitely a fight. Worth it, but always a fight.
Carol clarke says
Thank you John for sharing your heart. I struggle focusing on how Big GOD is in my life and keeping everything under His authority. A friend reminded me that CHRISTIANS fall down and get back up over & over . Thankful for Truth of scripture to comfort and that JESUS loves us !
John Gunter says
Thanks Mrs. Clarke. . . love you guys and hope you are well!
Alexis Hughes says
John I think we need to be careful lest we start believing that it’s through our human efforts, our discipline that if we only just read our Bible more we can live a godly life. After reading your posts over some time, I don’t believe that was what you really intended to communicate. And I am not trying to downplay or criticize the challenge to be in God’s word and to read the Bible cover to cover as We all NEED that challenge. Rather what I don’t want us to deviate from is the work of the Spirit in our lives. My school has been discussing these very things this academic year and looking specifically at 2 Peter 1:3-9 “His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us to his own glory and excellence, by which he has granted to us his precious and very great promises, so that through them you may become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped from the corruption that is in the world because of sinful desire.” The scripture goes on to say that we must do our part to supplement faith, but that’s only by the Spirit working in us. By reading the scripture God shows us himself and by the spirit work in us we are able to be transformed and reflect godliness. On a semi related note … If you haven’t already read it and if you have spare reading time in the midst of your busy life, you might like to read NT Wright’s book After You Believe.
Anyway, praying for you today! Moving back to the States after such a long stint away is not easy. I empathise with how you are feeling and the challenges you are facing. Grace & peace…
John Gunter says
Thanks Alexis. . . great hearing from you! Great input on this post. Really appreciate your perspective and agree with the role of the Holy Spirit in both sanctification and just understanding Scripture. I have not read that particular book of Wright’s but will try to check it out. Thanks!
Paula says
Thanks for posting this, John! The Lord knew I needed to read it at this specific time. I have always been encouraged by your blogs. I keep wondering what is wrong in my life right now and dealing with many different struggles of life in SE Asia. Do I just need to serve more, get myself out more so I feel like I have a life….? No, rather I think the answer is that I need to get myself up earlier (the noise and chaos of the city where I live already starts early enough!) and spend intentional, focused time in the Word. That is what will sustain me through the day. My heart breaks at the pull I see the world having on young people (and older people) today. Like you mentioned…materialism, lust, greed…it’s all right in your face. Living overseas, of course I am thankful for access to the internet, but it’s also ruining people, relationships, and providing easy access to things like pornography. It’s sad. I also rely on getting emails from friends back home but often don’t heart from them when I pour my heart out about something. Instead of just sitting down with God and reading His Word, I want to replace it with emailing or waiting on hearing from a friend through email. But God is always here. He’s with me. So, again, thanks for your post! It’s challenging and encouraging! He’s right there with you too!
John Gunter says
Life overseas can and often is very, very lonely. The Word is clearly a big part of a healthy walk with the Lord and a personal sustenance. Emails are nice also, though!
God bless and I am praying for you tonight!
Kelly Hope says
Father, thank You that you are the God who knows us intimately & You know our deepest needs. Thank you for the amazing access we have to Your throne of grace at any time. I ask that You would be with John as he deals with the stress and pressures of life and the transition from being overseas for so long to being back in the states. Thank you for the heart You have given him for people. I pray that You would pour your truth and peace into His life, knowing that You sustain us through everything. Thank you that when our eyes are on You that that is when our souls are quieted and we are at peace. When things look so big in our lives, thank you that You are bigger. You said in Your Word “in this world you will have trouble, but take heart! I have overcome the world”. Thank you that we can take heart. Thank you for the power of prayer. Encourage John’s heart, Father. Help him lean on You like never before, knowing not just in his head but in the deepest part of him that You know, You care. Give him rest for his soul today I pray.
John Gunter says
Kelly, thank you for this beautiful and heartfelt prayer. Very humbled and grateful. Have a great day!
Jennifer Williams says
Thanks for sharing this….God has been showing me these same things lately as I am learning how to navigate life without Wade. The learning curve has been deep, and your words were a good reminder and encouragement. I remember Wade sharing that verse as we journeyed through some dark, and uncertain days. God keeps bringing it back to mind, as I am seeing anew, like you have put so well, that we are not capable of navigating this world, and it’s pressures on our own. We need to constantly keep going back to the well of His word, and His strength, to enable us to persevere in the race we are called to walk. Blessings to you as you continue to adjust, and minister where God has you!
John Gunter says
Jennifer, great hearing from you. I was just thinking about and telling people about Wade the other day. God bless. . . praying for you tonight.
HC and Lisa says
Hey, John! Preach it! We are serving the youth in a Chinese church back here in Marietta of all places! If you’re ever back in Georgia, would love to catch up and maybe if you’re willing, come share with our ABCs who need to see how wonderful is a life lived for Christ first and the adventures he took you on to meet those that needed to know He sees and loves them even though they didn’t know or think they wanted Him. We’ve still got some stories of our own but they’d be even more intrigued, and amazed to hear it from you.
John Gunter says
Hey Lise, great hearing from you! Would love to reconnect with you guys, as it is way overdue.
Please reply with your phone number. I promise not to publish it. I’ll text you guys with my current number.
Great hearing from you!