Despite rumors, I AM alive and I AM NOT living with Tupac and Elvis on a Caribbean Island.
I AM writing this from a coffee shop in Atlanta, Georgia (my hometown). I AM doing well, though getting used to the oddity which is life in America.
So what am I doing and why has it been over two months since I have last posted an article?
Well, every few years, we as foreigners living overseas are highly encouraged to spend a few months in our home country. The purpose of this time is to connect with family, take care of personal affairs, and basically keep from going mentally “Apocalypse Now” on the world. (If you haven’t seen the movie, I apologize for the reference. If you have, you understand what I mean. . . “the horror”.)
It has been seven years since I have taken a “real” break from life and work in Asia. I’ll be honest; it is long overdue. I have been exhausted with life the past 18 months. To say I was limping into this time in America would be a massive understatement, both metaphorically and literally.
Metaphorically limping in that I remember about 15 months ago thinking, “I am SOOO tired, I genuinely don’t think I can make it to my next break in America.” Well, I did, but I feel like I barely made it to the airport both mentally and physically.
I was literally limping in that I tore a ligament in my left ankle the Saturday before I left Asia while playing Wiffle Ball.
It is always a long commute from Asia to Washington, DC. However, it was brutally long with a bum leg and two massive suitcases.
I have not posted because I simply have been too tired and exhausted to write.
So far, time with family has been the absolute highlight of my time in America. I have now been to over 22 (yes 22!) soccer and lacrosse games, 3 graduation ceremonies (see picture at beginning), 3 movies with Mom, and many meals with parents/siblings/nephews & nieces. It was been wonderful. It has been healing.
Additionally, I have been doing yard work at my home in Atlanta. My house has been rented solid for the past seven years while I have been in Asia. While this has been wonderful for me financially, it has been rough on the house. It definitely looks like a rental home now. The past few weeks have been filled with trips to Home Depot and pounding youtube DYI videos. I am fairly useless as a “handymen”, but I am learning.
You know you are getting old when you actually like yard work. Well, I do. Very few things are more relaxing to me than blasting music while I work in my yard. Though my neighbors might get a little annoyed, it’s been medicine to my weary soul working in the hot Atlanta sun.
Honestly, as I look back over the past month, it really does feel like a form of “detox” from the mental and physical exhaustion from the past few years in Asia. I am still tired and in need of more rest, but I am grateful at how much better I already feel than I did last month when I arrived in this great home country of mine.
In thinking through the past two years of my life, I have thought often of this blog. I grateful beyond words for this little space on the internet with which to interact with you and many others though this blog. It has been a healthy and personally enriching part of my life these past two years.
Personally, the past two years has been a time period mixed with extreme joy and extreme struggle. It has been a time of some of the greatest fellowship of my life mixed with loneliness like I had never previously experience. I appreciate your reading, commenting, and encouraging me along the way through this blog. Thanks!
As I will be on the road the next two weeks, I will post again in mid-June. I’ll most likely go fairly light on posting until August, as I am seeing a need for rest and recuperation like no other time in my life. However, I will write again in mid-June with an update.
Thanks for reading and your friendship . . . have a great beginning of the summer!
tamigirl814 says
So glad you are on furlough (or detox)! My passion is to see those on front lines stay strong and focus and grounded, balanced and healthy. You don’t know me but you are one I fight for in prayer.
Yard work is amazing! I don’t think it means you are old… I think it means you find a place your mind, soul and flesh can work, listen and be… I have great conversations with God behind my push mower, John Piper and I are BFF as I 99% of my yard time have home talking to me through my earbuds as I pull weeds, paint, mow, rake… etc. They other night I just had to stand in the middle of my back (freshly-mowed) yard, spread my arms and exclaim His Amazing Awesomeness….
Anyhow… Be blessed abundantly in your time at home.
John Gunter says
Thanks a lot, Tami! Not sure what it is, but do love the yard work. I would sure hate to have to do it for a job, but it’s great as a hobby!
Have a great week!
MC says
John –
I’m glad to read that you are getting refreshment in many forms while back in the states. Those of us who “follow you” on your blog miss your writing but are very glad you are taking a much needed break.
I recently was headed out on a long trip and sent an update to my department about my trip. I included a link to one of your blogs on long flights and Julie Ellis was amazed that I was reading your posts. Others were also entertained so you may have even more reading now. Speaking of long flights, one of the long legs on that trip was on an Air New Zealand plane – very nice! Even the bathrooms held up for the whole flight :-).
Wishing you (and your yard/house) full recovery.
John Gunter says
Melissa, John on Julie are two of my favorite people on the planet. Some of my best memories of my early days in Asia were simply sitting on their couch and processing life. Wonderful people. . . glad you guys are connected.
I’ll have to try out Air New Zealand one of these days.
Thanks for the encouragement on the blog. I really appreciate it. I will definitely jump back in with both feet, but need a bit of a break for R&R in all of life.
Kelly says
Thanks for sharing so your blog friends know better how to pray for you. Glad you’re able to have this down-time to hang out with family & refresh your soul. I read these verses in II Corinthians just this morning about comfort & just plain wearines: “He delivered us & He WILL deliver us…on Him we have set our hope that He will deliver us again”. Lifting you up to the Father.
John Gunter says
Kelly, as always, wisdom oozes from your pores. Wow, you will be missed like heck in Asia, but I am thrilled to see where God will take in you in the coming days.
Hope you guys are well and you are able to “close” things out well. Praying for you and this process this morning.
Kelly says
You may be thinking of another Kelly. I’m Kelly Hope, praying for you in SC. We’ve never met, but I read your blog & as a former MK can identify with so many of your joys & struggles. Thankful that no matter where we are, God meets us there. Praying Zeph. 3:17 for you.
John Gunter says
Thanks Kelly . . . yes, I was thinking of a different Kelly (who has a similar address as you).
Thanks for the clarity and prayers!
Jane Lipsey says
So glad you are home and enjoying yourself, you deserve it!! Loved reading your blog and catching up with you, and all the fun you are having. Take Care and Enjoy Life!! Lots of Love & Hugs I send to you my Dear Friend!!
John Gunter says
Thanks Jane. . . always great and encouraging hearing from you!
Carol Clarke says
Always encouraging that You share your struggles. Some days they seem harder than others. I remember Irwin Lutzer comment ” we can see the shore & it’s Heaven.” This Helps to stay motivated amidst disappointments Hope to see you soon.
Hugs !
John Gunter says
Thanks Mrs. Clarke. I’ll look forward to seeing you and Mr. Clarke some more this summer.
Talk to you guys soon!
Mary says
So envious. I am currently buried in work and wondering when I will manage to take a break. Enjoy your break John.
John Gunter says
Thanks Mary. . . hope you guys are well on your side of the ocean!
Ann says
Glad to read your words once again….they have truly been missed. However, the soul and body knows when it needs rest and time for regeneration, and I am glad that you are listening!! Take care of yourself. Looking forward to your next post!
John Gunter says
Thanks Ann. . . really appreciate you appreciating this blog!
I’ll get something up in mid-June and will jump back in with both feet in August. Thanks!
Amy Platt says
Hey John. I’m glad you’re getting a much needed and deserved detox. I know your family, especially your sweet mom, are enjoying having you home. If you ever need some more yard detox, feel free to visit my yard. Ha! I’m trying to learn what to do with a yard. And I know of a few people here in Bham who would love to see you and catch up. Enjoy this time of rest.
John Gunter says
Thanks Amy. . . I am definitely going to try to get to your lovely city soon. Many good, good friends there.
Hang in there with the yard work. Youtube and Home Depot have carried me in going from ZERO to “very little” landscaping knowledge.
brett says
Good to have you in the ATL for a bit! And it sounds like just the right timing (for the rest, sure, but also the perfect storm of sports and graduation).
Enjoy yourself and prayers for you that you’ll experience a bit of renewal and reenergizing and rest. Let me know if you’ve tackled a bathroom tile job yet on the house. I could use a referral to just the right Youtube video. 🙂
John Gunter says
Will do, Brett. I’m still only on outside the home guy for now. Definitely not confident to tackle jobs of permanent implications inside the home just yet.
Baby steps. . .
Lisa says
Your family is an awesome group of people to detox with. I’m glad you are getting refreshed. If you need a bigger detox, our yard is a complete disaster-so you’re welcome to detox here in exchange for yard work-loud music allowed. LOL! You can even prep for your return by teaching a little Mandarin to my daughter. Seriously, glad your time in Hotlanta has been so great!
John Gunter says
Lisa, any chance you guys will be through Atlanta this summer? Would LOVE to see you guys!
Liz says
So glad you are getting a long break with family, rest and recharging, John!
John Gunter says
Thanks Liz. . . hope you are well! Tell that sister of yours I said hello.
Stacy says
As others have stated- I am so glad you are getting some quality time at home with family and friends! No doubt your mother is thrilled beyond words to have so much time with you right now. If you happen to hook up with a group of our Briarlake peers while you are home, please let me know. Would love to see you!
John Gunter says
Stacey, would love for that to happen. Let’s try to make that happen. If I can get my yard and grill up and running, I would love to host a cookout or something.
Andrew Allen says
Sounds like you’re having some great recharging time. Definitely know the feeling of needing that. Thanks for keeping up your blog, always enjoy reading your insights.
John Gunter says
Thanks Andrew and grateful you keep blogging as well. Always encouraging reading your thoughts!
Iulia says
Fun and great reading as usual. Have been looking for your weekly posting, but you getting this “detox” time is so much more important.
I can totally relate as I have just returned from a two-week trip to Norway/Sweden/Iceland and I feel so refreshed from this short break from my routine. So, happy summer to you, too!
John Gunter says
Wonderful news, Iulia! Great hearing from you and glad you just had a restorative vacation. Yours is much more exoctic than mine, but I hope the affects will be the same.
Great hearing from you!
Bob Nichols says
John. Glad to hear you are resting and recharging. If you find yourself coming anywhere near western Virginia (wine country) while you are back, I can offer you an incredibly relaxing mountain resort, adjacent to the Appalachian Trail, complete with hot tub and full spa next door! I think I owe you…
Bless you my friend.