The phrase “it’s lonely at the top” is cliché and a bit trite, but it does speak to a much broader danger. As I talked about in “‘it’s lonely at the top’ – Leadership Isolation” (click here if you have not read that article), there is a real and present danger of individuals involved in leadership to become lonely in life. Many times loneliness puts leaders on a course spiraling towards isolation and this often ends in colossal moral failures of any and all varieties.

In my experience of both leading and in being directly exposed to high level leaders in the business, education, ministry, and non-profits worlds, I feel that some of the reasons that leaders become dangerously isolated are the following:
- No one knows the extent of your job – the higher one gets in organizational leadership, the less direct oversight they have. With this comes greater freedom in scheduling and even in setting up job responsibilities of the leader. His/her bottom line is the health and growth of the over-all organization. If it is growing and thriving, then everyone trusts that the leader is doing his job well. They are generally left alone. What happens [Read more…]