I have been grieved this week to read of three high-level men, one in ministry, one in education, and one in politics, who have apparently all fallen in horrendous sin. Two of the men are being accused of pedophilia and the other of murder. Like you, I read these accounts and I am mortified over the thoughts of such moral deadness and absolute failure on the part of these men. They have all taken vows to care for and protect those under their domains of responsibility and done the complete opposite.
It has gotten to the point where stories of “fallen” leaders are the norm, rather than the exception. Whether it is sexual indiscretion (too many cases in politics and ministry to recount), financial corruption (as is the case in the main story of fallen leadership in the country where I currently live), or emotional breakdown (the recent break of the producer of Kony2012), “fallen leaders” seem to be dominating headlines across the world.
While there is clearly no one answer for this problem, I do think that one of the core issues of moral failure in leadership on this level is ISOLATION. The “higher” you get in leadership, the fewer the peers and the greater the responsibility. The fewer peers you have, the less healthy outlets there are to “decompress” in life. The greater the responsibility you have, the higher the emotional toll and stress you shoulder. The result [Read more…]