As a result of both starting this blog AND the photo sharing application Instagram, I have really enjoyed taking pictures of my life here in Asia (and around the world) and sharing them the past year and a half. With my new website design, I was trying to figure out a way to integrate both my blog and sharing pics of life.
Here is my attempt!
There is a new app called Pressgram. The developer seems like a really good guy (he’s friends with several of my friends) and I have followed his blog for the past year or so. Pressgram allows you to share pictures in an easy way AND integrate them into your blog in the form of mini-posts.

What does this mean for my blog site?
Well, notice on the sidebar on the right of this blog there is a section titled “Instagram/Pressgram”. These are all pics I am sharing on both Instagram and Pressgram. There will be more pics I share in Instagram than will show up on this blog (so if you like, you can follow me here on Instagram and my Pressgram user id is Gunter). However, I will put selected ones on this site appearing in the side panel of this blog.
Along with the pictures posted on this blog, there will an extended explanation of the pictures which will NOT appear on Instragram. You can get to these “mini-articles” by simply clicking on the individual picture in the “Instagram/Pressgram” box on the right side. So the pictures will be from Instagram/Pressgram, but I will write more information about each one which appears here on this blog.
As you see a new picture appearing in the window, click on it and you can read a small post on the pic.
Here are two of the first four pictures I have shared in this format. Please click on the motorcycle and the one with me holding “Flat Stanley” for the “mini-articles” that accompany these posts. Enjoy. . .
“Recent dirt bike outing with some of the guys here.“
This past Saturday, we were back at it again. This time we did abstain from fire jumping, but we were back looking for new places to bike. We ended up back at our “time trials” track and a huge dirt infill section of the city.
I enjoyed having several new friends (Fraser Perrett, Chris Osterlund, and Craig Strong) join us who are regulars (Michael Gregory, Scott Littlepage, and Owens Hall).
We, of course, loved having our youngest member (Noah Littlepage) with us. Noah loves just being in the dirt and throwing things, so this day was perfect for him also.
One of the (many) things I like about being a man is our options of facial hair. Now I understand that all facial hair is not created equal. My Mom will tell you that NO facial hair is acceptable. However, this is one small area where we lovingly disagree.
I don’t grow my face out often, but I do so in the winter over here in Asia. Several factors play into this. First, I often don’t have important meetings in which I need to participate during the winter months. Therefore, I don’t care as much what I look like. Second, Asians actually think facial hair looks “cool”. Seriously. Third, the weather is grey and dreary, so it’s nice to have something to change things up a bit.
However, the biggest reason I grow beards in the winter in Asia is that IT IS COLD! Really cold. “Never get comfortable” – type cold. Throw in the fact that there is no central heating here and we are doing ANYTHING to stay warm here during the winter months.
So, I grow beards until they drive me crazy. The deal is, though, that I will shave them off in stages. This was the first “post-beard” iteration.
Oh yeah, the background is ACTUALLY in my apartment. You rent pre-furnished apartments over here in Asia. My current one is particularly gaudy (but lovable). I thought the cheesy background of my “crystal curtain” was the perfect backdrop for my creeper mustache.
I hope to be able to get back to posting a “normal” article once a week and 1-2 of these Instagram/Pressgram “mini-posts” in the side panel each week. For now, please click on the motorcycle and the one with me in a brown jacket and a cheesy mustache.
Thanks for reading and spending time with me through this blog!
I really like the Pressgram idea. It’s a neat way of sharing.
Seems like Asia is a fun place to be!
I do not think I have the right to comment on your facial hair but I am going to anyways (enjoying the perks of anonymity). I totally agree with your mom on this one. You should lose the facial hair :).
On a curious note, how did the wives of your friends feel about the “fire jumping” adventure? I applaud their levelheadedness! Or was it only your single self who fire jumped?
Thanks for sharing your stories. It’s always fun to read.
Thanks for your reading and letting me know you enjoy the blog “Anonymous”!
Yeah, I also agree with you and my Mom. I don’t think my facial hair looks good, but just a way to break the monotony of winters over here.
The wives were not crazy about the idea, but they didn’t find out till afterwards. They all are great, though, and know we would never do anything TOO stupid.
Thanks and have a great week!
That mustache makes you look like you are a 1970’s cop, like….um the cop in the Village People. The lead singer used to rock that exact mustache ! YMCA !!!
Ouch, I didn’t think of that. I like the cop thing, but not so happy with the Village People thing. Good thing I have already shaved!
Hi John.
First off, your blog looks great and is actually much easier to access on my computer now with the changes made. Secondly, gotta say I love the crystal curtain. It takes me back to when I was about 5 or so when my babysitter’s daughter had one-think it was multi-colored, though. Yep-Asia can get cold.
Hope something positive happens for you that encourages you today. Lots of small things to be grateful for.
Take care, Stephanie
Stephanie, thanks for your input on the blog looks and feel. I was not crazy about it at first, but I am warming up to it.
Yeah, though the curtains are ugly, I COULD take them down if I wanted. I keep them up as I think they add character to the place. Also, fun to see the shock of people’s faces when they first come in.
Thanks Stephanie!
I definitely love this new feature John! Especially its interactive nature. I had a few guesses of what it would be but I wasn’t close. It adds to the fun of reading this blog. I wish there was a way we could comment on the individual photo stories though.
Those moustaches! You’re crazier than I thought. 😀
I hope you guys didn’t take Noah with you for the fire jumping! I don’t understand why anyone would go jumping fires at will. The mere thought of it makes my heart stop.
Great Tatuu, glad you like it!
Yeah, the mustaches were not good looks, but I have fun with them.
Noah is not quite ready to drive them, but he does love getting on the bike with his Dad and ride for a bit. He mainly just likes throwing dirt, though!
Have a great week!
And he’s back! Glad to hear the updates and see the photos of your life in Asia. Will continue to pray for you and uplift your friends. Am curious though- cuz I have Instagram, but don’t use it- what’s the benefit to Instagram? Is it better in some way to Dropbox or Facebook or email? I am not techy, nor hip, nor young, so at present Instagram is lost on me. But if it would help my people at home to know more (or want to know more) of what I do and what life is like over here, then maybe you can enlighten me.
Your mustache photo reminded me that it’s ‘Movember’? Have you heard of that? http://us.movember.com/about The ways you men think to work your facial hair is just so…well… fascinating really! Enjoy your weekend, John! Grace & peace…
Thanks Alexis!
Instagram is a fun app. Easy to share photos with family and friends. It does require a smart phone, though, so that might be prohibitive.
Yeah, I have heard of Movember, but I just grow stuff when I don’t have anything important on the immediate horizon.
Have a great weekend!
Oh man… That mustache…
Um, thanks. . . I guess.