This time last year, I had just completed my 12th year of living in Asia, but my passion for the country and people had persisted for over 20 years.
This time 18 months ago, I was content and even excited about living in Asia for the remainder of my professional career. My life was in Asia. My expertise and passion had been tied up in this wonderful section of the world I had already called home for most of my professional life. I had friends who felt more like family. My job was my passion. I loved being a part of a land and a people who were changing as a society in front of my very eyes.
Now I am here in Los Angeles. As always seems to be the case in my life, I would not have predicted being here just a few short years ago. Unlike most people in this city, I never dreamed of being here and Los Angeles was never a goal of mine.
I am grateful, though, to be here. I really am. My job truly is a calling and is one I am grateful for. My coworkers, like in Asia, are people I admire, honestly enjoy, and am honored to do life with. My community (primarily my church) is wonderful. The city I live in is one I am coming to love more and more by the day. For this and so much more, I am eternally grateful.
As I type this, I am sitting on my back deck. My exact view is the picture I have at the top of this post. This picture is indicative of what I have already come to enjoy about living and working in the heart of Los Angeles. The weather is beautiful (I know; a bit cliche) and I love living in big cities.
I live in a great apartment, which is walking distance to my office. It is fun to live in the midst of one of the cultural hubs of the world. My apartment is one mile east of Beverly Hills, one mile south of the famous and infamous strip of Hollywood Boulevard, and just across the street from where the Notorious B.I.G. was fatally shot during the rap wars of the 90s.
This might not mean much to you, but it does make for an interesting life in the midst of an area where the message and love of Christ Jesus is desperately needed. This desire to see the Gospel take root in a people and place is what caused me to move to Asia 15 years ago and is why I moved here last year.
I look forward to writing about living/working in LA, and much more, in the coming months. I have missed writing. However, with all the changes in my life I have experienced during these past tumultuous 12 months, I needed to simplify and cut out all non-essential aspects of my life. Now I hope to get regular exercise and writing back in my life, as both have been neglected while I have jumped into my new job and life in LA.
In the coming weeks, I will try to write some on recapping my last year, telling more about my present life here in Los Angeles, and what I am learning through my new job. I’ll also write some about Asia and missing my life there. I’m looking forward to taking the time to putting all of this down in print. For now, I have updated my “About” page on this site, so if you want, please CLICK HERE to see my updated information.
So in the words of the immortal George Costanza. . .I’m back, baby!!!
Glad you are back John. We have missed hearing from you!!!
Thanks Mr. Pressley, good to be back. Hope you guys are well!
Welcome Back!!! I have missed you, am looking forward to seeing more blogs from you! Take Care and lots of Hugs!!!
Thanks Jane. . . great hearing from you!
It was a nice surprise to find the notification email in my inbox :). Welcome back! I look forward to reading about your life & ministry in LA.
Thanks for the encouragement!
so fun to see this pop up in my reader this morning. I’ve missed your updates and reading your reflections.
It’s September here in Asia and you know what that means …. Exciting dreams and huge needs and big goals and loads of fresh energy. We miss you here.
Laura, miss you guys like crazy. Praying for all of you!
As you know, having my son’s family, including two grandchildren, in the City of Angels would be a sufficient draw. To also have an esteemed younger colleague in L.A. is a bonus. Excited to follow your next chapter!
Thanks Al. . . it was WONDERFUL getting some time with you a few weeks ago. Look forward to your next trip out this way!
Great update on how GOD is providing for You as You serve Him. Miss You and hope to see You in person soon.” The LORD shall preserve You from all evil; He shall preserve your soul.” Psalm 121
We love You !
Thanks Mrs. Clarke; miss you guys as well!
Good to see a John Gunter update on my screen! Looking forward to hearing how God is at work in and through you. Grace & peace!
Thanks a lot, Alexis. . . great hearing from you again!
Hurray! I loved seeing this in my inbox. I look forward to reading about your LA adventures and all the Lord is doing in and through you.
Ashley, great hearing from you. . . hope you are well!
Hey, I am glad you are back, I missed reading your posts! I was not sure what your work in Asia was, now I see you were somehow like a modern apostle… Let me be impressed and humbled by that! 🙂
The view is fantastic, I like it better than what you had in Asia… 🙂
Yeh Iulia, great hearing from you! Hahaha. . . yeah, the view is much better here, as is the air much clearer. Hope you are well!
Hey from North Carolina! Glad to hear you are enjoying LA. I am sure the weather there is gorgeous-beautiful picture. It is pretty humid here in the South…the lingering effects of the Summer. 🙂 It is funny how Christ opens doors, sometimes, that you don’t expect. For me, some cool ministry opportunities are opening here at school, and I am making progress on my research. The best to you. Take care, Stephanie
Stephanie, great hearing from you. Yeah, it’s very nice weather here. I just laugh when people complain about the heat, with my southern and South Asian roots. Good to hear the Lord is bringing some exciting opportunities to you there in NC!
Welcome back!
Nice to meet you John. I ran across your blog on one of my lonely and bitter nights. Never have I met anyone who celebrates faith and singleness so much. It’s very refreshing. Thank you so much for sharing.