New technique in fighting #asia road rage.
This pic is born from two realities; traffic in Asia is HORRIBLE and you can buy cool stuff for really cheap here.
The traffic is inexplicably stressful here. It really does make the traffic in America look like a Girl Scouts meeting. I am from Atlanta AND I am in Los Angeles at least annually. Both cities are considered two of the worst traffic cites in America, so believe me when I say, the traffic here is brutal.
As a matter of fact, I recently traveled around America with two local Asian colleagues whom had never been outside of Asia, let alone America. The trip was for 17 days.
The biggest superficial impression of America for these first timers. . . “the peacefulness and orderly nature of the traffic” of America. They have talked about this constantly since returning to Asia. What is funny is that three of the four US cities they visited were Atlanta, Los Angeles, and San Francisco. . . cities most Americans find to be congested, traffic-laden, and a bit crazy. Helps you see more of the chaos which is “normal life” over here in Asia!
The second reality this picture points out is this. . . you can buy random, cool stuff for really cheap all over Asia. A total game changer a few years ago was the advent of online shopping over here in Asia.
You can find ANYTHING for sale online here. Anything.
This mask was something Michael Gregory stumbled upon recently. He, Owens Hall, and I all bought these little beauties.
Our ultimate plan for these masks is the put on caps, these masks, and drive around on our motorcycles at night. I know it’s random, but you have to do unusual things over here to keep things interesting living as a foreigner in Asia!
Hopefully we can pull it off, get some pics, and not die in the process.
(This post part of my Instagram(able) Asia! pics.)