“No caption necessary.”
One of the (many) things I like about being a man is our options of facial hair. Now I understand that all facial hair is not created equal. My Mom will tell you that NO facial hair is acceptable. However, this is one small area where we lovingly disagree.
I don’t grow my face out often, but I do so in the winter over here in Asia. Several factors play into this. First, I often don’t have important meetings in which I need to participate during the winter months. Therefore, I don’t care as much what I look like. Second, Asians actually think facial hair looks “cool”. Seriously. Third, the weather is grey and dreary, so it’s nice to have something to change things up a bit.
However, the biggest reason I grow beards in the winter in Asia is that IT IS COLD! Really cold. “Never get comfortable” – type cold. Throw in the fact that there is no central heating here and we do ANYTHING to stay warm here during the winter months.
So, I grow beards until they drive me crazy. The deal is, though, that I will shave them off in stages. This was the first “post-beard” iteration.
Oh yeah, the background is ACTUALLY in my apartment. You rent pre-furnished apartments over here in Asia. My current one is particularly gaudy (but lovable). I thought the cheesy background of my “crystal curtain” was the perfect backdrop for my creeper mustache.