Planning is boring. Planning is sometimes arduous. The awkward few that do like planning are almost social scourges to the rest of the world that hate planning. “There she/he is. . . the person that PLANS everything.”
However, everyday life and history point to the absolute need of planning on both the professional and personal fronts in life.
On the professional side, I am amazed when meeting with teams and organizations how few actually have plans, genuine thought out plans, of where they are going directionally. Most can articulate “purpose statements” and inspiring vision pieces. However, when you actually ask how this noble vision is going to take place, essentially how do you plan to accomplish this vision, vague and choppy explanations often ensue.
What will success look like for your organization/team this time next year? In 5 years? In 20 years?
In light of your purpose statement/vision, what needs to happen this week/quarter/year to get you going in this direction?
These and other questions are often followed by either bumbling, unintelligible answers or awkward silence.
One of the leadership clichés of which I often quote is, “if you shoot for nothing, then you will hit it every time.” I know this is a little trite and simplistic, but [Read more…]